A self-proclaimed piercing addict was ecstatic to find a nose ring he had lost five years ago while sleeping. However, he was not nearly as excited to learn that it somehow managed to get lodged inside his lung.
According to the New York Post, 35-year-old Joey Lykins woke up one morning
Lung cancer is a rare but potential cause of shoulder blade pain. The type of pain and any other symptoms you are experiencing can help identify the cause. Mild pain in your left or right shoulder blade may be due to a muscle strain or injury. However, severe pain could indicate a more seri
Front doors smashed at Buckhead Theatre Police say a drunk man vandalized the front entrance to the Buckhead Theatre on Roswell Road.
ATLANTA — New video shows the mess left behind at the Buckhead Theatre after it was vandalized overnight. Tractor Radiator
James Lewis poses for his booking photo on Dec. 13, 1982, when he was taken into custody in New York City. (Tom Ellis)
There is a PowerPoint presentation outlining all the evidence in the case, but it’s not shown during the July videoconference on the Tylenol murders. Chloroacetonitrile
New Cryo-TEM to Help Accelerate Drug Discovery Research